Update 1 (1 June 2024). Quick hello...?

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Howdy everyone! I just created an account (and i guess a website) here today on 1 June 2024 at 16:27 CEST. I was considering creating this website for a while but got the final push by Pirate Software. I'm a complete beginner at HTML and websites and stuff but I feel like I'm learning this pretty quickly. I've been wanting to make a website for a while but didn't quite know how to like, get it onto the internet if that makes sense? And yet I somehow already have 35 views on my page? Granted, some, if not most of them might just be crawlers from google or something. But on the other hand, there's a real chance that there's a real person reading this for some reason. If so, HI!. I hope you can read the colour combo fine.

I have no idea how i'm gonna do stuff here but i'm probably gonna make a central "update" list that's just a list of these updates. You probably got here from that list if you're reading this in the future but just know that as of now, I haven't created that list yet. Speaking of updates, I need to think of a clever name for these updates, as simply "Update" seems abit bland, doesn't it? Anyway, I think that's all for now, cya!